



1.1.2 赣江 Ganjiang river






Gan river north and south flow penetration of jiangxi province, is one of the largest rivers in jiangxi province, the ancient call of han han (Yang Han), lake, etc., the basin area of 8.16 square kilometers, accounting for 51% of the area in jiangxi province. To vie, new dry is bounded, divided into upstream, midstream and downstream of the three sections.

Dongyuan wuyishan whangee from shicheng ridge, according to cotton, water flows through the ruijin, in making-friends merges with hunan water (jiangxi), said gong, water flows through, yudu county, it is the source for the gan. West chapter source water from worship in yixian nie are mountain wood hole, flows through DaYu, chapter Jude, bamboo-shack, county, early on the gan gong area.

Chapter two water in ganzhou, gong it eight said after Taiwan joined the gan. Twists and turns north flow, the vie, taihe, JiAnXian, obviously, QingYuan area, auspicious water, XiaJiang, new dry, ZhangShuShi, fengcheng city to nanchang, xinjian county, NaChangXian points four injection of poyang lake. Ganzhou above for upstream, mountain and numerous tributaries, xiang water main, song jiang, meijiang, at pingkiang, taojiang, of jiang, such as chapter respectively into the water and water gong. Ganzhou to new dry to middle. Ganzhou to vie for, because the river cutting hence hill country of judah, canyon and rapids rapids, after the completion of wanan hydropower station, dangerous shoals has disappeared; Wanan, rivers into jitai basin, the river grows wider, the waters gentle, solitary river on both sides of things, so familiar, shu water, grain and water Long tributary import, water. Water to the new dry period, cut wear wugong mountain -odd arteries, forming a long valley belt. A fading under new dry for downstream, to the mountain, river gradually open, the water gently. There are water and jinjiang into yuan.

Is the main carrier of the transportation in ancient times, rivers, the gan shipping network construction, promote the nanchang area information flow, the formation of cash-flow, cultural flows. Gan of wanan good entry into the new dry lakes exit, total length of more than 260, the river is wide, the water gently, sailing. To many of the tributary of the gan, provides people with the boat that irrigation. From qin dynasty to qing dynasty for more than 2000 years, the gan is the motherland the north-south traffic artery communication, has been called the golden waterway. Always on the boat, boat race, senators were merchants gathered on both sides of the nanchang product along the gan river flows into the Yangtze river to the parties, go to YueGui; Eight side information and items via the gan scattered to nanchang also. Beside the river and its main tributaries built a string of towns, vault of nanchang city. Many Confucian scholar yake, sailing on the river, also wrote popular poems.

1.1.3鄱阳湖 Poyang lake

鄱阳湖是中国第一大淡水湖,位于江西省北部,距南昌市东北部50公里。鄱阳湖上承赣、抚、信、饶、修五河之水,下接我国第一大河——长江。在正常的水位情况下,鄱阳湖面积有3914平方公里,容积达300亿立方米。它每年流入长江的水量超过黄、淮、海三河水量的总和。鄱阳湖在九江的水面约20万公顷,流域有都昌、湖口、星子、永修、德安、庐山区等六个县(区)。平均水深8.4米,最深处能达到30米。但近些年由于三峡大坝等各种原因, 鄱阳湖天然水产资源大幅减少,鄱阳湖作为中国最大的淡水湖,不简单是渔业的收益问题,最重要的是中国乃至全球的环境问题。

Poyang lake is the first largest fresh water lake in China, is located in the north of jiangxi province, 50 kilometers away from nanchang city northeast. Poyang lake deck gan, fondle, letter, rao, area of water, the first river, the Yangtze river in China. Under the condition of normal water level, the poyang lake area of 3914 square kilometers, the volume of 30 billion cubic meters. It flows into the Yangtze river water every year more than yellow, huai and hai sanhe water combined. In Jiujiang about 200000 hectares, the surface of the poyang lake basin are duchang, 13, the planetesimals, permanent fix, nickelodeon, Lushan mountain area and so on six counties (districts). The deepest 8.4 meters, the average water depth can reach 30 meters. But in recent years, due to various reasons such as the three gorges dam, the poyang lake natural aquatic resources dropped sharply, as China's largest freshwater lake poyang lake, is not simple fishing revenue problem, the most important thing is that Chinese and global environmental problems.


用地范围General analysis:

鄱阳湖水系——赣江南昌段(为主)Poyang lake water system, Ganjiang Nanchang section (main)

现状current situation:

鄱阳湖水系环境现状 Poyang lake water environment status quo

一、水环境现状 Present situation of water environment


Poyang lake region for many years the average annual rainfall 1574.6 mm, annual runoff depth of 719.0 mm, annual evaporation is 1080 mm. Regional years of average rainfall total 61.03 billion m3, 27.87 billion m3 water rate. The groundwater resources in poyang lake area is 4.7 billion m3, about 16.9% of the surface runoff in this area. But uneven distribution, for the national economic construction planning of recoverable groundwater resource in total amount is 2.36 billion m3. Poyang lake for years by the hukou in the Yangtze river water of an average of 14.57 billion m3, gan, caresses, letter, rao, five rivers into the lake water quantity of 12.65 billion m3, accounting for 86.8% of the water into the Yangtze river. General 2 ~ 6 months a year, five rivers into the lake water quantity is greater than the water into the river, is the storage period of poyang lake, the total storage capacity of 1.78 billion m3. July to the following year, 1 month for poyang lake main drainage period, many years into the lake, the water into the river are an average of 14.57 billion m3, equilibrium. Highest level in 5 to 7 months, more into the river's maximum flow in 6 ~ 9 month.

二、水质污染现状 Water pollution status quo


鄱阳湖地区自然条件复杂,植被类型多样。但鄱阳湖区森林覆盖率较低(低于江西省平均水平)。天然森林植被主要是次生林。鄱阳湖湿地植被面积2262km ,自岸向湖心,植被呈不规则的环带状分布。近50多年来,因受人类和自然因素干扰,湿地植被带完整性遭破坏,


phosphorus, total nitrogen, permanganate index, bod, accounting for 78.14% of the total load, other pollutants accounted for 21.86%. Comprehensive nutrition state index method, according to the analysis of the eutrophication of the lake water body for nutrition condition. Overall water quality analysis results: jiujiang area poyang lake water quality in good condition, achieve Ⅲ class water quality standard, the level of lake eutrophication in nutritional status.

Poyang lake region complex natural conditions, vegetation types and varied. But PoYangHuOu forest coverage rate is low (less than average) in jiangxi province. Natural forest vegetation is mainly secondary forest. Poyang lake wetland vegetation area of about 2262 km from shore to the middle, the vegetation distribution is irregular band. Nearly 5 o years, due to the interference by human and natural factors, the wetland vegetation destruction with integrity,

Wetland vegetation distribution area is reducing year by year, biomass decline year by year. PoYangHuOu existing desertification land 267 km. The poyang lake animal resources are very rich, every year at the poyang lake wetland and about more than three hundred kinds of birds in winter, hundreds of thousands of thousands; Is the world's largest ever found in wintering crane group is located, crane population accounts for more than 98% of the world; Is the world's largest ever found in swan goose group is located, the swan goose can number more than 30000; Is the largest freshwater aquaculture waters, 122 fish

A, 50 of phytoplankton. Is the changjiang river and some precious fish roaming, spawning fattening.


